Vigesaa Productions

Mask Mandates (lack of) Effect on Covid 19 Death Rates

Update 11/2/20: In addition to the graphs below, Yinon Weiss put together an article including many similar graphs showing case rates vs the start of mask mandates. Source:

Looking at multiple countries that implemented mask mandates, it appears there is no effect on the death rates which tend to follow a predictable gompertz curve regardless of the mandates. It is important to note that testing has drastically increased in some of these countries and may have triggered ‘casedemics’, drastic increase in cases but little to no increase in death rates. This may be why some mandates appear after the pandemic is over. This is why it is important to look at death rates instead of only cases.

The median time it takes from the first symptoms of COVID-19 to death is 18.5 days and 5.5 days for symptoms to appear. So look about 24 days after the mandate and try to find any effects. Mask mandate date is shown in each chart. France had a 2nd increased requirement on July 20, and UK on July 24.

France (May 11 and July 20 Mandate)

Germany (April 27 Mandate)

Spain (June 1 Mandate)

Austria (March 30 Mandate)

Chile (April 8 Mandate)

UAE (April 4 Mandate)